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Writer's picturejandrfarmstn

Sick of Chemicals On Your Skin? I Was, Too.

I became a little psycho about what foods were going into my body a few years ago… then I also realized what you put ON your body can be just as bad! Ahh!

Since then, I will admit, I’ve calmed down.

But when you see warning about breast cancer on the deodorant label, warnings about parabens on shampoo and laurel sulfates on soaps and on and on…I started to get a little crazy!

I’ll talk about deodorant first. Now, I’ve heard great claims about that little crystal stick deodorant, and that is great. But it never worked for me.

I bought expensive “natural” health food store deodorants, and after five years, they are still in my cabinet! I didn’t like them and they didn’t work.

I was bound and determined not to put “normal”, cancerous deodorant anywhere near my armpits ever again! But what was I going to do, I didn’t want to go around stinking!

Thank goodness for Trim Healthy Naturals!

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I found my deodorant that has worked and that I have loved for going on three years. It’s called Hippie Stick. You can pronounce every ingredient, and my goodness, you can even eat every ingredient! (Not that you would want to eat the deodorant, though.)

It’s really great. Now I will be completely honest here…I have to reapply it, because if I’m doing a lot of sweating, it will fade away. But I have to do that with regular deodorant, too. Maybe it’s just me. I was desperate one day and used my husband’s strong powerful man deodorant. I had to reapply it, too!! So my thoughts were, if I have to reapply an antiperspirant (which is not good for your skin) then I will just stick with my Hippie Stick, because nothing lasts on me!

I’m doing my body a huge favor by using completely safe and natural ingredients. Nothing questionable at all!

Now if you’re wondering about the shampoo and the soap dilemma I faced? I use my own homemade lye soap, always. Even for my little kids.

Shampoo goes either way…I’ll buy it from the store for a while, then I’ll switch to my baking soda/vinegar regimen for a while.

I don’t mean to sound like a hater of all things manufactured at the shampoo plant…but my hair stays “fresher” longer when I do baking soda, essential oils, and vinegar. It gets less oily and is easier to handle. Just saying. If you want more info on how I do that, just holler.

Finally, I want to make sure you all see this Orange Silk Hydrating Cream and Extra Mild Cream for the Most Sensitive Skin. I love these two things so much. They both zap dry skin. I even tried duplicating the Orange Cream, but mine was nowhere near as smooth, I just couldn’t get the oil proportions right.

I used them on my baby’s diaper rash areas countless times. I do not buy any diaper creams from the store because this stuff is so good, and it’s good for their little baby skin. If I’m going to buy a lotion or cream, I will buy it from Trim Healthy Naturals.

Thanks for reading! Check out these great products!

Just a pretty picture of my wild roses.

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